EY Wavespace

EY Wavespace’s sliding glass door and Kinetic Series partitions

Emirates Tower in Dubai has the privilege of hosting one of the biggest creative development businesses in the world. EY Wavespace is renowned for their ingenuity, creativity and cutting-edge development programmes. These schemes have seen some of the biggest advances in science, technology, infrastructure and engineering in recent years. Subsequently, alongside main contractor Ochre and architect D & B International, we had to reflect this creativity within the design and execution of their new offices. We had the pleasure of fitting folding glass doors as well as our sliding glass doors and Kinetic Series partitions to the stunning fit-out.


EY Wavespace’s office has incorporated a very specific, modernist colour scheme into their walls, furnishings and flooring. Our installations team contributed by finishing the space with our glass partition systems and doors. The black and grey walls give the space depth, creating a spacious vacuum filled with imaginative quirky features.

Open-plan area

The ceiling and floors are almost mirrored, using contemporary light-coloured wood designs to contrast the darker exterior of the room. The ceiling uses a modern wooden triangular grid design allowing downlights to shine through. In addition, the grid lighting system gives a warming glow to all of the natural timber in the room. This is a clever design element by D & B as it allows the gaps in the grid to give a sensation of never-ending space. A concept derived from early television sets. In contrast, the ceiling drops downwards where the wooden grid finishes, closing in the seating area to allow for maximum focus on any speaker or presentation. The seating area is strewn with bright blue seating which stands out from the wooden surrounding. In addition to working as a point of focus for the room, the colour contrast also works effectively in aesthetic design.

Surrounding the seating area, are more soft seating matching the blue, black and grey colour scheme. The seating works as a design feature, as the seats fit together imitating puzzle pieces, a quirky and modern design feature. The seating doesn’t sit far from a long timber bench focused around LCD displays. Subsequently, employees can use this area to catch up on news, or gain information based on their current projects.

Our partitions and doors

We soon began installing our products to the ambitious fit-out. Working closely with D & B’s design, we manufactured and installed a set of partitions and doors allowing for seamless transitions between rooms. Firstly, we began work on separating the designated open space from the board rooms and meeting rooms. Our black framed partitions fit in perfectly alongside the dark walls of the space, attractive in both design and functionality. We installed our Kinetic Align doors into the state-of-the-art meeting rooms whilst providing harmonious design in keeping the overall concept for the office.


Our influence is apparent in the bespoke folding glass doors which are fitted to the shopfront. The slide-and-fold door system uses leaves of toughened glass folding in a concertina. This effectively saves space and allows for an open front to the workspace. In addition to this, we also installed our Shoreditch bands for the attractive shopfront. These bands further create a harmonious pairing with our Shoreditch partitions within the office. The functionality of this concertina door effectively allows traffic control with the option of having a varying amount of the system open. The slide-and-fold doors consist of numerous framed glass leaves which fold together allowing varying degrees of open-exposure. Our team built a set of specialised hinges, allowing the mechanism to flow smoothly at a mere push. 

In conclusion

Collaboratively, we moulded an empty space into an office oozing elegance, boasting dynamic quirky features and state-of-the-art glass partitions. Bluehaus created a spacious and effective design which was implemented with precision, care and imagination. Fitting our partitions to this office was a great experience for our GCC team. Using their imaginations, our installations team made it possible to work to the original design. Everyone involved overcame obstacles in design and manufacturing which paid off, producing a strikingly unique office fit-out. 

Applied Spaces is Optima’s distributor cooperating in Taiwan.
Whether it is consulting, assembly, warranty, etc., we have rich experience in system partition engineering.
Attach importance to cooperation with related manufacturers to achieve the most perfect spatial effect together.

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